Friday, June 8, 2007

I guess I'll have one more...

DEFINITION: v. tr. To make the same mistake over and over again even though you know it's stupid. n. A compulsively repeated mistake.

I guess I'll have one more...

VERBOTICISMS: (Invented words created by the Verbotomy Writers)

Stuplication: /stoop-lih-KAY-shuhn/ By dating each of the seven MacGillicuddy girls, Alex achieved a feat of stuplication that even he didn't think he was capable of Etymology: stupid + duplication Created by: mplsbohemian.

Recidiotism: /re-sid-ee-ot-ism/ The first two times he tried to eat the wax fruit on her dining room table, she thought it was quirky ... but after that she started to suspect it was recidiotism. Etymology: RECID and ISM from RECIDIVISM (repeated or habitual relapse)with IDIOT inserted in the middle Created by: serendipity9000.

Dohpeat: /-ˈdoʊˌpit-/ I knew that I was inclined to miss the freeway exit to our new house, so I made a big point of staying focused so that I wouldn't dohpeat this time. Unfortunately, my resolve led me into a false sense of security, and it wasn't until I turned on the street where we used to live that I realized it had happened again. Etymology: From doh + repeat Created by: ErWenn.

Redodebooboo: /ree-doo-dee-boo-boo/ Like Alice in Blunderland, Bob didn't realize he was about to redodebooboo. I watched in amazment as he once again set the office toaster oven to Burnt Beyond Recognition and walk away. Eh, at least we'd get a few minutes out of the office when the fire alarms went off. Etymology: redo the boo-boo Created by: purpleartichokes.

To see more verboticisms for this definition go to:

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