Thursday, June 14, 2007

Why do you always carry that file folder?

DEFINITION: n. A prop (e.g. papers, files or any non-functional equipment) used to create the illusion of busyness. v. tr. To use such a prop to mask inactivity.

Why do you always carry that file folder?

VERBOTICISMS: (Invented words created by the Verbotomy Writers)

Slackcessory: /slak-sess-or-ee/ Phil's slackcessory wasn't fooling anyone. The "tech manual" he was toting around was the instruction booklet for his lawn mower. Apparently, he was Fridazed when he took that course on shirkonomics. Etymology: slack (to avoid work), accessory Created by: purpleartichokes.

Industricators: /in-DUST-ri-caters/ Memo To: WOT Team..... From: WOT Team Leader %%%%%%%%%%%% Hi Team, The big boss is coming to visit on Friday. Please make sure that you have a good selection of industricators and suggestoilibles on hand to ensure that she leaves with 'right' impression. We don't want her to think that WOT stands for Waste of Time. ta, oh and please eat this memo before Friday. Etymology: industry + indicator + extricate (could get the lazy staffer an allayoffment, and out of a sticky situation) Created by: petaj.

Evidiligence: /-ˌɛvəˈdɪlədʒɛns-/ While folders and papers make excellent passive evidiligence for someone on the move, a mobile phone or PDA can serve the same purpose even when seated at one's desk, though such tools require an active effort to complete the effect of slackofflage. Etymology: From evidence + diligence Created by: ErWenn.

Phantofiles: /fan-tuh-files/ John had six different coloured sets of phantofiles he alternated at various times of the day to keep 'The Man' off his case and to demonstrate his industriousness and multitasking abilities. "Damn, he's good!" thought his boss. "He's completed three different projects today and it's only noon." John's phantofiles put him in line for a raise. Etymology: phantom + files Created by: Stevenson0.

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