Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Oh dear! Are you thinking of a bad word?

DEFINITION: interj. Used to express disappointment when you realize you've made a stupid mistake.

Oh dear! Are you thinking of a bad word?

VERBOTICISMS: (Invented words created by the Verbotomy Writers)

Blunderstruck: /blun-der-struk/ looking down at the tube of fungal cream in my hand, then into the mirror at the toothbrush in my mouth, i was suddenly blunderstruck Etymology: blunder, thunderstruck Created by: rikboyee.

Merdededieu: /mared-di-doo/ "Merdededieu" he screamed as the toner cartridge exploded all over his new suit. That's okay he explained to the startled client - I'm just praying. Etymology: merde (shit in French) + mere de dieu (mother of God Created by: Jabberwocky.

Blixit: /b-lick-s-it/ Just one more drop of glue and it is done. Perfect... wait.. did I just glue this upsidedown? Blixit! I am going to have to start over to fix this. Etymology: Starting with 'B' for 'bad'...blix rhymes with fix.. 'it' because many interjections have 'it' added on to the end. Created by: serendipity9000.

Fiduddle: /fi-dud-dle/ When he slammed the hammer against his thumb, a loud angry 'fiduddle' was shouted. Etymology: a loud angry sound made in front of children instead of the 'F' word Created by: Stevenson0.

To see more verboticisms for this definition go to:

Be Creative,

the create-a-word game

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