Thursday, May 31, 2007

I guess it's really over...

DEFINITION: v. intr. To frustrate oneself by sending emails to someone who cannot receive them, especially when "over quota". n. An emotional response to bounced-back email.

I guess it's really over...

VERBOTICISMS: (Invented words created by the Verbotomy Writers)

Emailaise: /ee-ma-LEYZ/ Jenna's emailaise was becoming unbearable. If they didn't want to give her the job, why did they give her a second interview and make her take the stupid Excel test? Etymology: email + malaise Created by: Clayton.

Sendsitive: /send-sah-tiv/ staring at the growing list of rejected emails, with my lip quivering uncontrollably, i realised i was becoming far to sendsitive Etymology: send, sensitive Created by: rikboyee.

Emobilized: /ee-mow-bill-eyesd/ Jill was completely emobilized by her empty inbox. All of her heartfelt notes were flying around in cyberspace, rejected. Etymology: email + immobilize + emotion Created by: Jabberwocky.

Ebound: /e-bound/ Her emails to Jordan were ebounded immediately with the message "Delivery Notification - Failure". She was sure it was deliberate and that she was on the ebound. Etymology: e + rebound Created by: Stevenson0.

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Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Of course I'm twenty-one!

DEFINITION: v. intr. To lie about your age. n. A misrepresentation about your age, usually presented because you want to appear younger or older.

Of course I'm twenty-one!

VERBOTICISMS: (Invented words created by the Verbotomy Writers)

Exagerate: /eggs-ayj-err-ayt/ to get into the nightclub she was forced to exagerate Etymology: age, exaggerate Created by: rikboyee.

Manipulage: /ma-nip-ul-age/ Ah, c'mon, let me in! A bit of manipulaging has never done anyone any harm. Etymology: manipulate+age Created by: w5lf9s.

Misagery: /mis-age-er-ee/ Misagery is a common practice among first year college and university students using fake I.D.'s to gain access to bars near the campus. Etymology: mis + age + ry Created by: Stevenson0.

Embellage: /Em - bell - age/ You are so guilty of embellage! There is no way you are the same person pictured on this Drivers License! Etymology: Embellish + Age Created by: guesser.

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Aren't you supposed to use a scoop?

DEFINITION: n. The euphoria felt when sticking one's hand surreptitiously into a barrelful of rice, peas, or other legumes.

Aren't you supposed to use a scoop?

VERBOTICISMS: (Invented words created by the Verbotomy Writers)

Paradrice: /para-dryce/ Slipping off to the market near work and dipping her fingers into the cool vat of silky rice was nothing short of paradrice. Etymology: paradise + rice Created by: Jabberwocky.

Inpulsation: /in-poll-say-shun/ as the owner of a lentil store, my biggest peeve is with people who come in for some inpulsation and then leave without buying anything Etymology: in,pulse[as in peas,beans etc], sensation, impulse, pulsate, npul, ulsa, satio Created by: rikboyee.

Lentitillation: /len-tit-ill-ay-shun/ Dahlene has been lupining for some lentitillation for soy long that I'm masoor she'll go crazy next time we visit the Indian grocer. Etymology: lentil + titillation Created by: petaj.

Circumpodstasy: /circum-pod-stasy/ Wiggling her hand around deep in the barrel of split peas was a sensation that shifted her mind into the ultimate state of circumpodstacy. Etymology: circum + pod + ecstasy Created by: Stevenson0.

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Sunday, May 27, 2007

A nose bidet? Great...

DEFINITION: v.intr. To pretend to be enthusiastic even when you are not, simply because everyone else is. n. Fake enthusiasm.

A nose bidet? Great...

VERBOTICISMS: (Invented words created by the Verbotomy Writers)

Actstatic: /act-stat-ik/ With all the enthusiasm and peersure from his friends, he decided to be actstatic in the silly escapade. Etymology: act + ecstatic Created by: Stevenson0.

Shamthusiasm: /sham-thoo-zee-az-um/ she accepted his unexpected proposal with great shamthusiasm Etymology: sham, enthusiasm Created by: rikboyee.

Simuelate: /sim-you-ee-late/ When the Team Power business strategy was being taught at work, I found it extremely difficult to simuelate; it was just another plan destined for failure. Etymology: simulate, elate Created by: purpleartichokes.

Effortvesce: /eff-ort-vess/ Even though eating olives made him gag he had to effortvesce over their pungent qualities to become a member of the pizza club Etymology: effervesce (gush) + effort Created by: Jabberwocky.

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Friday, May 25, 2007

How did you know what I had for lunch?

DEFINITION: n. The bits of food that get stuck between your teeth, and remain even after you brush.

How did you know what I had for lunch?

VERBOTICISMS: (Invented words created by the Verbotomy Writers)

Dentritis: /det-tree-eye-tus/ His none use of dental floss lead to dentritis, random food debris trapped between his teeth. Etymology: dental + debris + itis Created by: Stevenson0.

Morselcode: /mor-sell-cohd/ she claimed she was dieting but her morselcode said chocolate Etymology: morsel- small scrap of food code- a mesage that can be interpreted by the few afficinados Created by: suzanne.

Embarrasites: /em-ba-riss-ights/ i turned up to the job interview unaware that my mouth was full of embarrasites Etymology: embarrasing, parasites Created by: rikboyee.

Evidents: /evv i dense/ I could tell from the evidents that ribs were on the canteen lunch menu again this week. Etymology: evidence. dents as in dental. Created by: galwaywegian.

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Wednesday, May 23, 2007

I'm clean! Clean as a needle!

DEFINITION: The prescribed response of shock and denial that all world-class athletes follow when caught using banned drugs.

I'm clean! Clean as a needle!

VERBOTICISMS: (Invented words created by the Verbotomy Writers)

Denyitol: /dee-nI-it-ol/ I take two tabs of denyitol and I'm fine Etymology: deny + it+ all Created by: wordmeister.

Jabbergasted: /jab-err-gas-ted/ to suggest that i won that week of verbotomy due to the illegal use of anabolic dictionaroids...i have to tell you that leaves me absolutely jabbergasted Etymology: jab, flabbergasted Created by: rikboyee.

Prescriptstun: /pre-SCRIP-stun/ Derek strode into the pretenssconference mistakenly confident that his prescriptstun would convince the world that he was clean. Etymology: prescription (they always say it was prescribed for the flu) + script (used to rehearse for the press conference) + stun (shock) Created by: petaj.

Aghrasst: /a-grassd/ I'm absolutely aghrasst at the accusations leveled against me by my fellow team mates - just aghrasst I tell you - anabolic dictionaroids (who grassed?) Etymology: aghast + grassed Created by: Jabberwocky.

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Oh dear! Are you thinking of a bad word?

DEFINITION: interj. Used to express disappointment when you realize you've made a stupid mistake.

Oh dear! Are you thinking of a bad word?

VERBOTICISMS: (Invented words created by the Verbotomy Writers)

Blunderstruck: /blun-der-struk/ looking down at the tube of fungal cream in my hand, then into the mirror at the toothbrush in my mouth, i was suddenly blunderstruck Etymology: blunder, thunderstruck Created by: rikboyee.

Merdededieu: /mared-di-doo/ "Merdededieu" he screamed as the toner cartridge exploded all over his new suit. That's okay he explained to the startled client - I'm just praying. Etymology: merde (shit in French) + mere de dieu (mother of God Created by: Jabberwocky.

Blixit: /b-lick-s-it/ Just one more drop of glue and it is done. Perfect... wait.. did I just glue this upsidedown? Blixit! I am going to have to start over to fix this. Etymology: Starting with 'B' for 'bad'...blix rhymes with fix.. 'it' because many interjections have 'it' added on to the end. Created by: serendipity9000.

Fiduddle: /fi-dud-dle/ When he slammed the hammer against his thumb, a loud angry 'fiduddle' was shouted. Etymology: a loud angry sound made in front of children instead of the 'F' word Created by: Stevenson0.

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Tuesday, May 22, 2007

I wish I knew what I'm thinking?

DEFINITION: n. A lost thought; v. intr. To become distracted and lose track of what you were thinking.

I wish I knew what I'm thinking?

VERBOTICISMS: (Invented words created by the Verbotomy Writers)

Blinkling: /blink-ling/ Several times a day I get an earth shattering blinkling but then in an instant, it's gone Etymology: inkling + blink Created by: Jabberwocky.

Ruminesia: /roo-muh-nee-zhuh/ He was contemplating the most brilliant idea for a new e-company when ruminesia set in and all he could remember was that he really wanted a chocolate ice-cream cone. Etymology: ruminate (think about, ponder) + amnesia Created by: Stevenson0.

Braindrop: /brain-drop/ Um, I forget what I was going to write. Etymology: Braindrops keep falling from my head. And just like the guy whose thoughts are too big for his head, nothing seems to stick.... Created by: petaj.

Thoughtbotomy: /n. thot-bot-oh-mee/ During his presentation, Bob had an unscheduled thoughtbotomy; the slide was before him, yet he couldn't think of a single word to say. Etymology: thought, lobotomy Created by: purpleartichokes.

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Sunday, May 20, 2007

It's for you. Tell them you're busy.

DEFINITION: To instinctively answer your cell phone ring, even when caught in a somewhat compromising position.

It's for you. Tell them you're busy.

VERBOTICISMS: (Invented words created by the Verbotomy Writers)

Ringstinct: /ring-stinct/ Jill interrupted a passionate kiss as her ringstinct kicked in, fumbling for the phone, she tells her man to hold the thought and they can resume the kiss as soon as she gets off the phone. Etymology: ring/instinct Created by: toadstool57.

Reflexcellegy: /ree-flex-sell-e-gee/ Her reflexcellegy was so finely tuned that she would respond to ringtones under any circumstances, even when scuba diving Etymology: reflex + cell + reflexology (practice of stimulating nerves on the feet, hands and ears) Created by: Jabberwocky.

Ringdrone: /ring-drohn/ "Yes Master" the ringdrone responded to his cell phone Etymology: ring tone + drone Created by: Stevenson0.

Technobliged: /tĕk'nə-blī-jd'/ despite my incapacitated state, the presence of my fully charged cell phone made me technobliged to answer. What if someone needed help...? I was technobligated, at the very least, to provide some minimal assistance... given my access to communication. Etymology: technology + obligate (To bind, compel, or constrain by a social, legal, or moral tie. etc. etc.) Created by: zrotv.

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Friday, May 18, 2007

What do you mean, you're not coming?

DEFINITION: The moment of awareness when you realize that have you made a huge mistake on a big project, and will have to start all over again, from the very beginning.

What do you mean, you're not coming?

VERBOTICISMS: (Invented words created by the Verbotomy Writers)

Stunveilment: /stun-vale-ment/ She was in a complete state of shock when she realized the most important element of her dream wedding was missing - her shoes! Etymology: unveilment (revelation) + stun (shock) Created by: Jabberwocky.

Apocalapse: /apok-a-laps/ He was running his best 10k ever when he suddenly realized he wasn't really ahead of the pack but in the wrong race Etymology: apocalypse + lapse Created by: Stevenson0.

Inshite: /inch eyet/ her sudden burst of inshite was extremely painful to her, as was her mother's dose of itoldusoitis which came at almost exactly the same time. Etymology: insight, in shite! Created by: galwaywegian.

Eslipphany: /ee-slip-fanny/ It was a major eslipphany when the fax machine ate the document that he was supposed to be scanning Etymology: epiphany + slip Created by: porsche.

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Thursday, May 17, 2007

Are you just browsing?

DEFINITION: An overbearing or pushy salesperson who makes you want to leave a store rather than look around and buy something.

Are you just browsing?

VERBOTICISMS: (Invented words created by the Verbotomy Writers)

Commissionary: /com-mission-ary/ David is a blood thirsty commissionary, attacking any unsuspecting customer that might stroll into his section at the electonics store. His tactics are ruthless, just to make the "sale" and get the commission. Etymology: commission/missionary, as in propagator of religion or a relentless soldier Created by: toadstool57.

Peddlerpushers: /ped-lur-push-urs/ Our local video store is full of peddlerpushers who sneak up behind you when you're deep in thought and then shadow you relentlessly as you peruse the movie selection Etymology: peddler + pusher + pedal pushers Created by: Jabberwocky.

Floorstalker: /floor-stalk-er/ Commissioned salespeople are licensed floorstalkers who creep me out of the store. Etymology: floorwalker + stalker Created by: Stevenson0.

Shopcreeper: /Shawp-kreep-err/ That shopcreeper was pushing me way too much. I grabbed that stupid block of cheese he was trying to sell me and shoved it right in his mouth. He now sells basketballs because he knows no one can stuff those in his mouth... I proved him wrong. Etymology: Shopkeeper (owner of a shop that sells goods) + creep (an annoying and detestable person) Created by: ziggy41.

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Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Is this shrink wrapping a new security feature?

DEFINITION: To injure oneself physically, or to be reduced to a state of mental incapacity, when attempting to open shrink-wrapped CDs, DVDs or software.

Is this shrink wrapping a new security feature?

VERBOTICISMS: (Invented words created by the Verbotomy Writers)

Attackaging: /uh-tack-uh-jing/ "The damn attackaging cut me!" Etymology: attack + packaging Created by: iwasatripwire.

Incapackitate: /in-kuh-PAK-i-teyt/ After trying to break the seal on his new pen drive for almost an hour, John was utterly incapackitated; almost to the point of inconsolable dissatispacktion. Etymology: incapacitate + package Created by: Clayton.

Cellopain: /-ˈsɛləˌpeɪn-/ It almost seems that as technology gets more advanced and everything else becomes better designed, packaging produces more cellopain, not less. Etymology: from cellophane + pain Created by: ErWenn.

Autodiscomutilate: /aw-to-dis-co-MU-ti-late/ He autodiscomutilated with the newest Windows Vista. Etymology: auto = self disco = any type of discs (CDs, DVDs, VCDs, CD-ROMs, etc.) mutilate = mutilation of both the physical self and the mental self Created by: duchessella.

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Tuesday, May 15, 2007

I'll hide these Alligator Pumps with the Crocs

DEFINITION: To find something you really want in a shop, but then, since you cannot buy it immediately, to hide it so that no one else will get it.

I'll hide these Alligator Pumps with the Crocs

VERBOTICISMS: (Invented words created by the Verbotomy Writers)

Dresspionage: /dress-pee-on-aj/ Sally was so desperate to buy the last prom dress in her size that she had to use a little dresspionage and hide it under some pilate's balls until she could come back and purchase it. Etymology: espionage + dress Created by: Jabberwocky.

Stashandcarry: /stash-and-kare-ee/ Wendy was an expert at stashandcarry, so much so that she could not find that great shirt she secreted away amongst the fishing tackle. Etymology: cash-and-carry, stash Created by: purpleartichokes.

Consumouflage: /consumouflage/ I perfectly consumouflaged that secret-super-comic behind those nobody-wants-them-anyway-comics. Etymology: consume + camouflage = consumouflage. Created by: jonobo.

Sabostash: /saa-bow-stash/ Caroline knew Jill had been eyeing the size 9 dress as well, so she sabostashed it in with the men's suits. Etymology: Sabotage + stash To sabotage someone else's buying opportunity by stashing an item until you can purchase it Created by: speechie.

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Sunday, May 13, 2007

My mother is a washing machine

DEFINITION: The sacrifice a mother makes when she gives everything to her children, including life itself, and then simply lets them go.

My mother is a washing machine

VERBOTICISMS: (Invented words created by the Verbotomy Writers)

Emomcipate: /i-mom-suh--peyt/ After nine months of eating all the right foods,countless nights of discomfort and no drugs , or alcohol, she was ready to emomcipate her child. Etymology: mom + emancipate Created by: Stevenson0.

Mudderlode: /mud-ur-lowd/ Breastfeeding five children over a span of eighteen years demonstates a mudderlode of motherly love. Etymology: mother lode + udder Created by: Jabberwocky.

Matrifice: /mae-treh-fice/ from kindergarten through medical school Elliott's mother paid for everything and even baked cookies; it was the ultimate matrifice. Now he couldn't even find the time to call her once a week Etymology: mater (prefix for all things having to do with mom) + sacrifice Created by: benjamin.

Mamartyrdom: /-məˈmɑːɹtɚˌdʌm-/ A rose and a card once a year easily make up for her mamartyrdom.* Etymology: From mama + martyrdom Created by: ErWenn.

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Friday, May 11, 2007

Ahhh! My hair! Don't let them see me like this!

DEFINITION: To remain calm, steadfast and ploddingly systematic in the midst of a huge freaking disaster.

Ahhh! My hair! Don't let them see me like this!

VERBOTICISMS: (Invented words created by the Verbotomy Writers)

Fiascool: /fee-as-cool/ The caterers were running late, the flowers were wilting, the groom was still running around naked after his stag night and I was struggling to get into my dress. It was all a horrible mess but throughout it all James, the best man, was totally fiascool. Etymology: fiasco + cool Created by: pinwheel.

Zencompetent: /rhymes with "incompetent"/ Sarah zencompetantly rounded up the 73 monkeys that had escaped from their cages; not a single one was injured, and Sarah avoided all of the flug poop. Etymology: zen (calm, state of peace) + competent (competent) Created by: benjamin.

Ablomb: /uh-BLAHM/ Alex faced his simultaneous flu, audit, firing, and computer crash with ablomb. Etymology: aplomb in the face of a bomb Created by: mplsbohemian.

Androitude: /AHN - droi - tyood/ No, it wasn't the crashing of a plane infested with snakes or the holdup of the diner that made Samuel L. Jackson's girlfriend go ballistic and frantically screaming for help... it was actually his androitude. Etymology: android (a systematic cyberhuman; we all know how freakishly organized C-3PO was) + attitude (disposition) Created by: ohwtepph.

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Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Look at that big smile!

DEFINITION: To have difficulty recognizing, and correctly interpreting, human facial expressions.

Look at that big smile!

VERBOTICISMS: (Invented words created by the Verbotomy Writers)

Misguise: /miss-guys/ He would always misguise the apprehensive looks on co-workers faces and consequently talk to his boss when it was an inappropriate time Etymology: miss + guise Created by: Jabberwocky.

Kissermisser: /kiss-er-miss-er/ He confused a smirk for a scowl, fear for friendliness, a grin for a grimace. He was a socially inept kissermisser. Etymology: kisser + miss Created by: Stevenson0.

Misinterpotato: /miss-in-tur-pah-tay-toe/ My boss is one of those people who has a permanent grin affixed to his face, which is why I always find myself in hot water for committing misinterpotato. Etymology: misinterpret, potato (slang for head), Mr. Potato Head (a toy with easily discernable facial expressions) Created by: purpleartichokes.

Bemuggled: /bee-mug-uld/ Jill was bemuggled by Dave's smile. Was he laughing with her, or at her? Etymology: befuddled, mug Created by: toadstool57.

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Yeah, I do have a lot of online friends.

DEFINITION: To be so immersed in a virtual world that you forget about your responsibilities to the physical world -- like your job, your family, or even feeding and washing yourself.

Yeah, I do have a lot of online friends.

VERBOTICISMS: (Invented words created by the Verbotomy Writers)

Gonline: /gone-line/ James realized that he was going to have to wash his own socks because Judy was gonline again. Etymology: gone (as in not here) + on-line Created by: pinwheel.

Avatarded: /Ahv-ah-tar-ded/ His aparment was a wreck - food strewn about the floor in a semi-intelligent arc tracing from the door to the computer. And the place REEKED. Johan wondered if Mike could be... avatarded. Etymology: Avatar + retarded Created by: verysimplegame.

E mersed: /E-mersed/ She is totally E-mersed within her own little world from her home to any 'Hot Spot' cafe. Etymology: E (electronic) + immersed Created by: Stevenson0.

Hypnetized: /hip-net-ized/ Bob got hypnetized by Youtube for 8 hours straight. Later, his wife had to use WD40 to peel his butt from the vinyl chair. Etymology: hypnotized, net Created by: purpleartichokes.

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Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Hey, you're copying me!

DEFINITION: To copy and share an idea, thing, or person because you think that it's so wonderful that everyone should have one.

Hey, you're copying me!

VERBOTICISMS: (Invented words created by the Verbotomy Writers)

Philanthroplicate: /-fɪlənˈθɹɑpləˌkeɪt-/ The bootlegger justified selling his camrecorded copy of _Spider-man 3_ by convincing himself that he was just philanthroplicating. Etymology: From philantropy + duplicate Created by: ErWenn.

Repligreat: /Rep-luh-grate/ The rich and somewhat insane old lady had her cat repligreated 3 million times and then frozen, so that when she died they would have a chance to rule the world when they melted... or just create an influx of pets at the pound. Etymology: Replicate (to make an exact copy) + great (something wonderful) Created by: ziggy41.

Copycatalyst: /caw-pee-cat-a-list/ Steve was a confirmed copycatalyst, constantly hogging the scanner Etymology: copy cat + catalyst Created by: porsche.

Plagiarific: /plag-er-if-ick/ Teddy was a plagiarific salesman of the latest and greatest ideas he "borrowed" from the business books on the 'Best Sellers List'. Etymology: plagiarize + terrific Created by: Stevenson0.

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Monday, May 7, 2007

I quit! I'm free!

DEFINITION: A feeling of euphoria which occurs when you finally quit your boring, mind-numbingly dull, and emotionally unrewarding job.

I quit! I'm free!

VERBOTICISMS: (Invented words created by the Verbotomy Writers)

Funemployment: /fun-ehm-PLOY-ment/ Guess what! I quit Pizza Hut! Let the funemployment begin! Etymology: fun + unemployment Created by: Alchemist.

Resiglation: /res-ig-lay-shun/ John felt resiglation at finally quiting his job so that he could persue that career as a deadbeat like he'd always wanted. Etymology: resignation + elation Created by: jedijawa.

Deliverdance: /dee-liver-dans/ His feeling of deliverdance at quitting his job was so overpowering that he felt like Michael Flatley Etymology: deliverance + riverdance Created by: Jabberwocky.

Exitstasy: /egg-zit-stah-see/ I was filled with extreme exitstasy when I left my boring busboy job to move on to bigger and better things! It was after i quit that i remembered I dropped out of highschool. Etymology: Ecstasy (joyful excitement, great happiness) + exit (to abandon, as in one's job) Created by: ziggy41.

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Thursday, May 3, 2007

Oh! There's a spot! But is it close enough?

To drive around in circles in a parking lot, so that you can save time by finding the closest possible space to your final destination.

Oh! There's a spot! But is it close enough?

VERBOTICISMS: (Invented words created by the Verbotomy Writers)

Vehiciouscircle: /vee-HISH-us-circle/ Gloria's vehiciouscircling enraged everyone else in the car. Her passengers could not convince her that she was just trading off shoe leather for gas. But she was determined to outmanoeuvre the other vehiciouscirclers for the best spot, even if it led to a fender bender. Etymology: vicious circle + vehicle Created by: petaj.

Carouselect: /ker-us-seh-lekt/ To carouselect can prove to be very dangerous if you suffer from vertigo. Sue often spun in circles around her car after she'd found the perfect spot Etymology: carousel (merry go round) + select Created by: Jabberwocky.

Storbit: /store-bit/ I would have been to the mall 4 hours ago, but Mom was stuck in storbit waiting for the perfect spot. Etymology: Store + Orbit Created by: paperhoard.

Cruisepatrol: /cruz-pa-troll/ It is so frustrating going to the grocery store with Mark. Sheesh! I could have milked a cow, gathered the eggs, and fried an omelet by the time he's done cruisepatrolling and storbiting the lot for the closest parking space. Etymology: cruise control, patrol Created by: purpleartichokes.

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Which whisk is hers?

DEFINITION: To carefully shave your facial hair into a style which advertises your political allegiance, sexual orientation, or taste in music.

Which whisk is hers?

VERBOTICISMS: (Invented words created by the Verbotomy Writers)

Affiliachin: /ah-fill-ee-a-chin/ Matt's gentle manner belied his affiliachin; his shavement screamed he was one of those whackos from Montana. Etymology: affiliation, chin Created by: purpleartichokes.

Libertrim: /lib-er-trim/ When entering the customs line at the airport, we always sought out the official with the most obvious libertrim who would be open to discussions about us helping him to help us. Etymology: libertine + trim Created by: Stevenson0.

Patriotrimism: /patrio-TRIM-ism/ Barney's patriotrimism was a carefully sculpted and dyed flag in his sideburns. Etymology: patriotism + trim Created by: petaj.

Raveshave: /rayve-shayve/ With a clever raveshave and applying glitter, he was able to jump around like a living glow stick Etymology: rave + shave Created by: Jabberwocky.

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Wednesday, May 2, 2007

DEFINITION: To create an illusion of busyness so that your co-workers, and most importantly your boss, never realize that you have absolutely nothing to do.

It's all strategic positioning.

VERBOTICISMS: (Invented words created by the Verbotomy Writers)

Taskmasker: /task-mass-kur/ Phil was a professional taskmasker; I don't know how he was able to look busy all the time when everyone knew he had absolutely nothing to do. Etymology: taskmaster, mask Created by: purpleartichokes.

Workastallic: /wurk-a-stahl-ik/ Jim was such a workastallic that, while giving the impression that he never let go of a project, he was in fact seriously stalling (and checking out verbotomy on the side) Etymology: workaholic + stall Created by: Jabberwocky.

Exertsham: /exert-sham/ The illusion of working is an age old problem and is also known as walking the dog, a government job, or exertsham. Etymology: exertion + sham Created by: Stevenson0.

Slackofflage: /-ˈslækəˌflɔʒ-/ The key to successful slackofflage is an untidy workspace; if your boss can identify each paper on your desk and window on your computer screen, then you've already lost. Etymology: From "slack off" + "camouflage" Created by: ErWenn.

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Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Quit clicking on me. Use F5!

DEFINITION: Obsessive-compulsive rechecking or "refreshing" of an item (especially a webpage) to see if its status has changed; often leads to repetitive mouse-clicking disorder.

Quit clicking on me. Use F5!

VERBOTICISMS: (Invented words created by the Verbotomy Writers)

Refretish: /ree fret ish/ he had a serious refretish, especially when he had posted a new word. Etymology: refresh fetish Created by: galwaywegian.

Clixation: /klik - sey - shuhn/ Research shows that verbotomists wearing long-sleeved orange shirts with weird designs on it have a slightly higher tendency of clixation compared to others. Furthermore, verbotomists with much higher tendencies of clixation ... are those who own a mouse. Etymology: click + fixation (an obsession) Created by: ohwtepph.

Addclicktion: /ad-clik-shun/ after 3 hours of compulsive refreshing, he realised he had a serious addclicktion Etymology: addiction, click Created by: rikboyee.

Refreshology: /ree-fresh-all-oh-jee/ Although Purpleartichokes was a follower of Refreshology, at the end of the day, her word garnered 11 points; eschewed by verbotomists like yesterday's meatloaf proffered alongside lobstertail and filet mignon. Etymology: refresh, reflexology Created by: purpleartichokes.

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the create-a-word game