Sunday, April 8, 2007

I didn't get an MBA for nothing.

DEFINITION: The art of sneaking to the office kitchen without having to take orders from your colleagues for coffee, or tea, or anything...

I didn't get an MBA for nothing.

VERBOTICISMS: (Invented words created by the Verbotomy Writers)

Subterfridge: /sub-ter-frij/ With careful subterfridge, Jill was able to disappear beside the fridge and take an uninterupted coffee break Etymology: subterfuge (trick used to escape) + fridge Created by: porsche.

Galleyphanting: /GAL-E-fan-ting/ Felicia Fanshaw formerly known as the office galleyphantom, has died of poisoning from arsenic in her coffee mug. Several of her colleagues are assisting police with their enquiries. Etymology: galley (kitchen) + phantom (something elusive) + gallivanting (roaming about in search of pleasure such as chocolate biscuits dipped in hot coffee) Created by: petaj.

Ninjava: /nin-JAH-vah/ Every day, Bret would miraculously appear several times with freshly brewed coffee in his mug, while his colleagues went dry. He was a true master of the art of ninjava. Etymology: ninja, java (slang for coffee) Created by: Alchemist.

Gofahcoffy: /go-fah-coff-ee/ 'Time to gofahcoffy' she said to herself. This was one of the few times this week she would try to invisibly gumshoe her way to the staff room to enjoy a cup of tea by herself and wallow in the solitude and calmness of the vacated kitchen. Goinfahcoffy was a huge challenge and risk, but if she got by her twenty-two co-workers, the tea and the time alone would help her overcome her protaskination and comtemplate the highly emotional marrage she encountered earlier in the week. Etymology: go + for + coffee-Related to the ancient and timely Canadian art of sneaking off from work to be on your own, known as 'goingfahcoffy', or 'Tim'sing it up'. Also referenced in respect to unsolicited and irrelevant comments, such as a protoclash. Created by: Stevenson0.

To see more verboticisms for this definition go to:

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