Friday, March 30, 2007

But I don't know how to take out the garbage!

DEFINITION: A specialized inability, or area of "chosen incompetency", based on an individual's need to avoid certain unpleasant tasks. But I don't know how to take out the garbage!

VERBOTICISMS: (Invented words created by the Verbotomy Writers)

Conchoreshun: /con-chor-shun/ Conchoreshun is the ability to snake around undesirable tasks in a seemingly innocent manner Etymology: contort + chore + shun Created by: Jabberwocky.

Incompretence: /In-com-pree-tense/ Jack's incompretence fooled everyone except his mother, who was not convinced by his excuse that he could play tennis left-handed instead of taking out the trash. Etymology: Incompetence + pretence Created by: Discoveria.

Protaskination: /proh-task-tuh-ney-shun/ Protaskination always overtakes me when it is time to clean the toilet and change the cat litter. Etymology: procrastination + task Created by: Stevenson0.

Skillusion: /skill-oo-zhun/ My son is a master at the art of skillusion. His latest task evasion tactic was to weedwhack all my violetto artichoke plants, claiming he thought they were just giant thistles, which, of course, they are. Etymology: skill, illusion Created by: purpleartichokes.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

would really love to see this blog updated soon.