Monday, March 19, 2007

Wait for the perfect pitch...

DEFINITION: A willingness to wait, forever if necessary, for the perfect opportunity; excessive patience.

Wait for the perfect pitch...

VERBOTICISMS: (Invented words created by the Verbotomy Writers)

Oppeternity: /op-ah-turn-it-ee/ she had turned down every man that had ever asked her out, because none of them were quite right...and by golly even if it took all the opporternity she possessed... she would eventually find him Etymology: opportunity, eternity Created by: rikboyee.

Caseyatthebatitude: /kay-see-at-the-bat-i-tood/ Bill's caseyatthebatitude casued him to never place any bets at the roulette wheel as he kept waiting for the right moment that never came. Etymology: From the poem "Casey at the Bat" where Casey kept waiting and eventually struck out when he was meant to be the hero of the day. Created by: jedijawa.

Lages: /lage-ess/ He lages for the perfect opportunity to buy the stock at the right time. Because of his lagesness, he often misses the ideal price point. Etymology: lag + ages Created by: Stevenson0.

Godotancy: /-ɡəˈdoʊ.ənˌsi- Silent "t"!/ A godotant individual rarely feels the negative effects of their unrealistic optimism, but their godotancy often becomes quite frustrating for others. Etymology: As in Sam Beckett's play, _Waiting for Godot_. Created by: ErWenn.

To see more verboticisms for this definition go to:

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