Saturday, March 3, 2007

Yikes! Spring is almost here and this stupid scale is still wrong

DEFINITION: That sinking feeling you get when you realize that you will be shedding your winter coat, before you can possibly shed the extra layer of insulation (i.e. fat) that you gained over the holidays.
Yikes! Spring is almost here and this stupid scale is still wrong.

VERBOTICISMS: (Created by the writers at Verbotomy)

Titanicattack: /ty/tan/ic/a/tac/ Tiffany had a titanicattack when she tried to teeter totter with Tony and they tumbled due to her tubbiness Etymology: titanic (massive and likely to sink) + panic attack Created By: Jabberwocky.

Melancalorie: /mel/on/cal/o/rie/ March 1st tomorrow and when I stepped on my scale this morning a severe case of melancalorie set in causing me to stop at the donut shop on the way to work to drown my guilt. Etymology: melancholy + calorie Created By: Stevenson0.

Caloregret: /cal-oar-ee-gret/ Sue blamed her failure to lose the weight she'd gained over the holidays and resultant caloregret on those pint-sized purveyors of post-Christmas confections, the Girl Scouts. Etymology: calorie, regret Created By: purpleartichokes.

Obesery: //ˌoʊˈbizɚɹi// When it gets you down, just remember that Santa's New Year's obesery has got to be worse than yours. Etymology: From obese + misery Created By: ErWenn.

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