Thursday, March 15, 2007

Hi Sexy! Oops... Sorry, I thought you were someone else.

DEFINITION: To recognize and loudly greet a friend only to realize that it is a complete stranger, who now thinks that you are somewhat odd.

Hi Sexy! Oops... Sorry, I thought you were someone else.

VERBOTICISMS: (Invented words created by the Verbotomy Writers)

Helloops: /hell + oops/ I saw Jacob the other day and gave him what turned out to be a big helloops - it was some other guy. Etymology: hello + oops Created by: Osomatic.

Myopialliance: /mye ope ee a lie ens/ she made three more myopialliances on route to the opticians. Etymology: myopia, alliance Created by: galwaywegian.

Randomactofblindness: /random act of blindness/ Just as well Shelly had a superiority complex, as her randomactsofblindness meant that a lot of strangers thought she was totally nuts. Etymology: random act of kindness (this could conceivable involve loud friendly greetings to randomly met strangers) + blind (not being able to see who you are really talking to) Created by: petaj.

Notyoutations: /not-you-tay-shuns/ ever since she lost her glasses she was the queen of greetings and notyoutations Etymology: not you, salutations Created by: rikboyee.

To see more verboticisms for this definition go to:

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