Monday, March 26, 2007

That idiot has finally been fired?

DEFINITION: A mixture of delight and guilt felt when a colleague, whom you despise, suffers a misfortune. That idiot has finally been fired?

VERBOTICISMS: (Invented words created by the Verbotomy Writers)

Dupliciglee: /doo-pli-si-glee/ She had a difficult time hiding her dupliciglee when the office know it all got the boot Etymology: duplicity + glee (deceitful happiness) Created by: Jabberwocky.

Schuldeschadenfreude: /shool-de-shahd-n-froi-duh/ Kathy'd thought of herself as a "mean girl" so her schuldeschadenfreude at Betty's car accident (Betty'd always flaunted that Mercedes!) was something of a shock. Etymology: Basically a compound German word, this is based on a combination of "Schuld" (guilt) and "Schadenfreude" (pleasure at the misfortune of others) which is an already accepted, and surprisingly rarely used word in the English language. Created by: catgrin.

Sadissfaction: /sa-diss-faction/ I really didn't mean for her to literally "break a leg" on stage, so I was overcome with sadissfaction when I saw her in a cast and using crutches. Etymology: sad, diss, satisfaction Created by: purpleartichokes.

Regretstasy: /ree-gret-stah-see/ Jill felt regretstasy over Betty's termination because while Jill despised Betty she wouldn't want to be ousted so publicly. Etymology: regret + ecstasy Created by: jedijawa.

To see more verboticisms for this definition go to:

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