Wednesday, March 21, 2007

OMG YGLT Shakespeare

DEFINITION: To unconsciously adopt the vocal mannerisms and linguistic stylings of the people with whom you are speaking. OMG YGLT Shakespeare

VERBOTICISMS: (Invented words created by the Verbotomy Writers)

Copychat: /cop-ee-chat/ Leanne would copychat his posh accent to make her client feel more at ease. Etymology: From "copy cat" and "chat". Created by: Bulletchewer.

Verbotomime: /ver-boto-mime/ Jedijawa tends to unconsciously verbotomime the dialect and accent of people who he talks to for more than 5 minutes unless he tries very hard not to do so. Etymology: verbotomy (pandering to the board on this one) + mime (to imitate) Created by: jedijawa.

Vernacclimate: // After a few months he found he had vernacclimated with the locals without even noticing. Etymology: vernacular + acclimate Created by: swallowedbyafish.

Mimeojargon: /mim-ee-uh-jar-gon/ After spending many hours interviewing high school students, the counsellor's mimeojargon became part of her life and her friends just didn't understand her. Etymology: mimeograph + jargon Created by: Stevenson0.

To see more verboticisms for this definition go to:

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